Champion the research you care about

Fight back against illness by connecting with researchers, engaging your community and changing the prognosis for millions of people.
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Donorlist is here every step of the way to support you with an easy and effective process for engaging your community.

Get empowered

Choose a project that’s meaningful to you

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Select a world leading project to get behind
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Support and share the research
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100% of funds raised supports the research directly
Image of Champion and Researcher
Image of family looking at Champion Dashboard
Fundraise with ease

Use Donorlist tools to share and raise funds

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Step by step campaign instructions
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Ready-to-send emails
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Ready-to-post social media content
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Support whenever you need it
Stay connected

Receive exclusive updates about the research

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Hear directly from the researchers leading your project
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Learn about advancement, breakthroughs and findings right when they happen
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Share research updates with the community that supported you along the way
Image of researcher providing an update

Give your community first hand insight into your experience and the world-leading research that will shape the outcome for millions of others affected.

What is a Champion?
Champions have a personal connection to the area of research they are motivated to support and want to fund the most promising projects that will have the greatest impact outcome.
What do Champions do?
Champions sign-up and become advocates for the projects they care about, using Donorlist online tools and resources to share and raise funds for they project they are supporting.
What do Champions get?
Champions receive news and updates about they project they are funding, often directly from the researchers leading the way.
Russell Browne
Managing Director, BMO Capital Markets
Champion for Pancreatic Cancer

“My brother and I were raised by our mother. She was our entire world. Her loss has been difficult to absorb, but it has propelled me into finding a way to combat this specific type of cancer which is one of the deadliest.”
Lupe Morales
Managing Director, Daughter
Champion for Alzheimer's Disease

"This was the first fundraising I had ever done, the Donorlist team was awesome. Just educating myself more about the research has been extraordinary. My mother is 81 and was diagnosed with Alzheimer’s two summers ago. I want to engage [with the research] and stay engaged, for my mom, for my grandmother - I’ve become an advocate on so many levels."
Liz Carlson
Founder, Heal with Liz
Champion for ME/CFS

“I’ve always wanted to donate directly to research I care about, Donorlist not only made this possible they fostered a meaningful relationship with the researcher leading the project, and have been instrumental in making our fundraising campaign a success.”
What’s a Champion?
Champions are our most motivated donors. They’ve had first-hand experience with an illness and are driven to make an impact by supporting related research directly.

Do Champions need to donate themselves or match donations?
No, there is no specific requirement to match donations or donate as a Champion. However, Champions who offer donation matches see more traction with their campaigns.

What benefits are available to Champions?
- Champions and their stories are featured on the project page.
- Champions have the opportunity to participate in special sessions with researchers, receive in-depth updates on the projects they support during and long after their campaign has ended.
- Champions are also offered the opportunity to connect with other Champions who are supporting the same research area.
- Champions will have early access to information about new projects relevant to them.
- Champions have a huge impact in making this research possible and they are leaving a legacy of ensuring other patients in the future get more information, effective treatment and one day, a cure.

What are expectations of a Champion?
Your only job as a Champion is to share your campaign. Use the Donorlist platform to promote your campaign, reach out to your network and help the researchers advance their projects. That’s it!

How does Donorlist support my outreach?
Donorlist provides tools to help send emails and social media posts throughout your campaign. Donorlist will notify Champions of optimal times to send their communications out. Donorlist provides Champions with updates on visitors and donors to their campaigns.
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