Direct and transparent
giving to life-saving research

Donorlist provides the only way for donors to connect directly with medical researchers to fund, see and share the impact of their work.

Explore Projects
Canadian Cancer Society
EINSTEIN - Albert Einstein College of Medicine
UHN - The Princess Margaret Cancer Foundation
USC - Keck School Medicine of USC - Alzeimer's Therapeutic Research Insitituion
Weill Cornell Medicine - Burke Neurological Institute - The science hope demands

Healthspan and Longevity

Explore and support renowned experts conducting research for a longer, healthier future

Discover and fund research from Andy Galpin, Inigo San Millan and Matt Kaeblerlein.

Move scientific research forward

For Champions

Champion the research you care about

Fight back against illness by connecting with researchers, engaging your community and changing the prognosis for millions of people.

For Researchers and Charities

Fund research by engaging and collaborating with donors

Donorlist helps research organizations amplify the visibility of high-priority projects by finding and fostering connections with donors from new and existing channels.